To help you
Listen with confidence™
with the ATLAS Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids Program
For improving everyday life
For advancing workplace safety
with ATLAS RESONATE Hearing Wellness Program
For making lifestyle choices
As a standalone program - for use with or without ATLAS OTC Program
How do you know you need
ATLAS OTC hearing aids?
Trouble hearing speech in noisy places
Find it hard to follow speech in groups
Trouble hearing on the phone
Listening makes you tired
Turn up TV or radio volume, and other people complain it is too loud
Trouble hearing when you can't see who is talking
Ask others to speak more slowly or repeat what they said
These are symptoms of self-detected Mild-Moderate Hearing loss.
Per the FDA's OTC Hearing Aid Rule, you qualify for OTC Hearing Aids without a medical exam or a fitting by an audiologist.
You need to be at least 18 years old.
With ATLAS Programs

Treat mild-moderate hearing loss and manage life-work adjustments

Know risks that are personal and beyond, make lifestyle choices

Check hearing health and associated physical, mental, cognitive health

Monitor your well-being, safety, quality of life and health
OTC Program
For your hearing recovery and to support you throughout your hearing health journey
OTC Hearing Aids (pair): Ready to use with 5 settings, assistive listening, battery powered
OTC Kit: Supplies to use and maintain hearing aids and protect remaining hearing
OTC eTool: Private, self-paced online learning and decision-making tool to live well with hearing aids
Safe Listen App: Tracking sound levels and safe listen times at that sound to protect remaining hearing
OTC Talk webinars for self-directed hearing health and safety
OTC Marketplace for supplies for continued hearing aid use and remaining hearing protection
User Contact for timely product and hearing health related notifications, assistance for hearing aid services including returns and repair

OTC Program
- At Work
For advancing worker self-improvement and workplace safety management.
Comes with ATLAS OTC Program Products plus
Workplace OTC eTool: Personal hearing health and safety analyses and workplace adjustments
Comes with ATLAS OTC Program Services plus
Customized Workplace OTC service for a hearing loss friendly workplace
Manage your safe listening by tracking sound levels and safe listen times at that sound*
Can be used with or without ATLAS OTC program.
ATLAS Resonate App
Track and manage safe listening for everyday audio streaming and environmental sounds
Instantly get color-coded safe listen time for the dB
Get color-coded total daily and weekly reports
Maintain privacy as dBs are not linked to you
ATLAS Resonate eTool
Know more about hearing essentials and check your hearing profile to make lifestyle choices
Use of App and eTool, as part of your healthy lifestyle, may help lower risk of Noise Induced hearing Loss
* NIOSH-98 allowable exposure times for hearing loss protection and hearing conservation

ATLAS programs in development
ATLAS OTC Assistant App
For use with ATLAS OTC Hearing Aids
Assist with adjusting to hearing aids and support continued use
Protect remaining hearing
Support for music enjoyment and socializing
ATLAS OTC - Dementia
For those with dementia risk and for caregivers
Extension of ATLAS OTC Program
Dementia OTC App for learning, monitoring and connecting with caregivers
Dementia OTC eTool : Guidance specific to hearing and ear health for dementia patients with mild-moderate hearing loss
Dementia OTC Service: To meet patient and caregiver needs for health and safety
Our why
The OTC Hearing Aid legislation encouraged us to explore accessible, affordable and reliable programs for people to directly manage their hearing loss and make decisions about lifestyle choices for hearing and overall health.