The ATLAS Over-the-Counter
Hearing Aids Program
A comprehensive program for treating self-detected Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss with OTC Hearing Aids
If you have these Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss symptoms:
Trouble hearing speech in noisy places
Find it hard to follow speech in groups
Trouble hearing on the phone
Listening makes you tired
Turn up TV or radio volume, and other people complain it is too loud
Trouble hearing when you can't see who is talking
Ask others to speak more slowly or repeat what they said
ATLAS OTC Program could be right for you.
ATLAS OTC Hearing Aids
1. PERFORMANCE -Ready to use, battery-operated -5 settings for speech, music, different environments, telecoil -Background noise reduction to hear better in noisy places  -Distortion control for better speech recognition -Low self-generated noise to hear softer sounds, prevent whistling -No noticeable output lag to help hear sounds in real-time  2. SAFETY -Volume limit to prevent loud sound output -Electrical safety, no overheating -No electromagnetic interference, compatible for use with cell phone -No normal skin irritation -No pain when inserting thin tube, eartip 3. USABILITY, USER EXPERIENCE -Compact, comfortable -Easy to correctly wear and maintain -Easy to select and control settings
Contains accessories and supplies for hearing aid use and hearing protection OTC Hearing Aids - 1 pair Storage case, Battery pack, Slimtubes (4 sizes), Eartips (3 sizes), Earplugs (2 pairs) with case, Cleaning cloth, Slimtube measuring tool Labeling, Packaging and Quick Start Guides for use directions, important information -Trial period -Warranty period -Payment plans -Direct company contact
Meets Standards and Advisories from
the FDA, NIOSH, and OSHA
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
ATLAS OTC eTool and OTC Talks
Each person's hearing loss and hearing aid experiences are unique. With this eTool: -Know about mild-moderate hearing loss and related conditions, protecting remaining hearing -Learn how ATLAS OTC Hearing Aids treat the symptoms with detailed guidance on how to use and maintain -Adopt practices to adjust, wear and listen to support your lifestyle -Know about hearing health essentials and risks and how to manage -Monitor and manage your hearing, physical, mental and cognitive health and well-being -Monitor how you feel and function and make decisions about your quality of life -Your learning is private and self-paced -Content in based on information from federal organizations and is current OTC TALKS Webinars for continued learning and ATLAS OTC Hearing Aid use
ATLAS OTC Marketplace, Customer Contact
For hearing aid use and additional supplies -Accessories for hearing aid use -Replacements -Repairs -Trial Period -Warranty -Payment and Subscription plans -Timely product and health-related notifications, assistance for hearing aid services -Direct company contact