Manage your safe listening by tracking sound levels and safe listen times
Did you know?
Noise Induced Hearing Loss is caused by noise and exposure time above a safe limit*
Safe Listening Times* can be surprisingly low for everyday sounds
They decrease rapidly (logarithmically) above 'safe' decibel (dB), You can safely listen to:
Normal Talk (~ 70 dB): The whole day
Audio streaming, traffic, lawn mower, sports venues, movies, motorcycle (80-110 dB): For 6 hr - 10 min
Ambulance, sirens (110-120 dB): For 2 min
Fireworks, jet taking off (130-160 dB): For 1-0 min​
You can take steps to protect your hearing from loud noises​
​​​You can take steps to protect yourself from loud noises
Check your dB and safe listen times throughout the day
Lower volume and listen time, wear hearing protection (ear plugs)
If you are wearing hearing aids, remove them and wear hearing protection​
* NIOSH-98 allowable exposure times for hearing loss protection and hearing conservation
You can be in charge of your safe listening by managing your listening based on dBs
For better education, job performance, physical, mental, cognitive health.
During the day, weekends
Audio streaming, commute, workplace, gym, sports, crowded places, home appliances, home maintenance
For special occasions
Family celebrations, concerts, social events, sporting events, displays like fireworks
For maintaining hearing
Checking suspected hearing problems, preventing hearing loss from getting worse
Use of ATLAS Resonate App and eTool, as part of your healthy lifestyle, may help lower risk of Noise Induced Hearing Loss​

Get actionable listening insights - beyond dBs
Environment dB through your phone microphone
Headphone dB when you connect to your headphones
Instantly get color-coded safe listen time for the dB
Get color-coded total daily and weekly reports on your listening times vs safe limits
Get tips on practical steps to maintain safe hearing
Plan your activity based on the safe listen time and history
​Maintain privacy as dBs are not linked to you
Know more about your hearing profile to make lifestyle choices
Hearing essentials
Hearing and ear protection
Early detection and care
Wellness planning

Our Publications
2021: Integrating User Voice in Hearing Care with Focus on Off-Duty Warfighter. Military Medicine
2019. Development of Hearing Technology with Personalized Safe Listening Features. IEEE XPlore
2019: Development of Hearing Technology with Safe Listening Features. ITU Kaleidoscope (Young Author award)​​