Presentations and Publications
FDA OTC Hearing Aid Rule guides innovation to assist those with risk of cognitive decline. Alzheimer's Association International Conference.
Design and eTool considerations for OTC Hearing Aids to serve dementia patients. Johns Hopkins Cochlear Center Research Day.
Creating safer work environments with OTC Hearing Aids. OSHA Safe and Sound Week Nationwide Event.
​Self-managed hearing health eTool : An integration of FDA, OSHA and NIOSH directives. National Hearing Conservation Association Conference.
The future of hearing health and safety to enhance employee engagement & workplace safety management - A practical approach. Chesapeake Region Safety Council, Safety and Health Conference.
Hearing conservation for mental wellness and total health. OSHA Safe and Sound Week Nationwide Event.
An interactive self-analysis eTool for managing hearing health. Military Health System Research Symposium.
The future of hearing safety and health program. OSHA Safe and Sound Week Nationwide Event​.
Integrating User Voice in Hearing Care with Focus on Off-Duty Warfighter. Military Medicine.
​Development of Hearing Technology with Personalized Safe Listening Features. IEEE XPlore.
​Development of Hearing Technology with Safe Listening Features. ITU Kaleidoscope (Young Author award)​​