ATLAS Resonate Safe Listen
for Hearing Health
for protecting from noise damage, managing your daily hearing health
while enjoying your lifestyle
​Safe Listen App
Spot-check, log sound decibel (dB)
Instantly get Safe Listen Time estimates for the dB
Check daily and weekly histories of your actual noise vs allowed noise dose
Plan activities you enjoy
Create your personal dashboard
Calculations, Testing: Per OSHA, NIOSH, FDA standards
Privacy protection: No personal identifiers, other than dB (no location), are collected.
Android App in development
eTool for hearing health
6 interactive sections to know, self-analyze, plan your own hearing conservation program
Manage your hearing health while enjoying your lifestyle
Get new information updates, white papers
Attend webinars
Ask questions
Reliability: Content sourced from government health and safety authorities (see below)
Privacy protection: None of your personal data (other than email) is collected
App and eTool based on US and UN federal & health authorities
AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
DoD: Department of Defense
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
FDA: Food and Drug Administration
NIH: National Institutes of Health
NIH-NIDCD: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
UN-WHO: United Nations - World Health Organization
App and eTool features have been presented to FDA
Decibel (dB) is a measure of sound energy - through the environment or headphones
Excess dBs, above standard safe limits, can cause increasing, permanent damage your hearing
Sometimes sounds that are 'normal' to you can have unsafe dBs
Sometimes personal risks, other than noise, can make the dB effect worse
Effect of Daily Sounds to your Ears
Depends on sound dBs
time period (duration) of noise to your ears
There are Standards for Safe Listen limits based on dB + duration
Repeated noises at or above these limits can cause permanent damage to your hearing
Hearing Health knowledge is growing
Harmful effects of sound-beyond hearing
Importance of awareness, self-management
Hearing health for productivity, Quality of life
Safe Listen Time for any Sound
drops quickly above safe limit based on dBs
Normal talk: Whole day
Headphones, Traffic, Lawn mower, Sports, Movies, Motorcycle: 8 hr - 15 min
Ambulance, Sirens: 2 min
Fireworks, Jet taking off: Less than 1 sec
Good Hearing Health can be managed by you
Safe listen during work, outside work
Listening habits, risks, early symptoms
Protection measures to fit your lifestyle
With ATLAS Resonate Safe Listen App
you can check SLTs for work and nonwork noises, know when your listening is above allowed noise dose and manage your dBs and listen times
With ATLAS Resonate eTool for Hearing Health
you can learn about your hearing essentials, risks and hazards, early symptoms and take practical steps to self-manage
Secure, Private and Confidential
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
FDA: Food and Drug Administration
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
NIDCD: National Inst. of Deafness and other Communication Disorders
NIOSH-REL: National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Recommended Exposure Level
OSHA-PEL: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, PEL: Permissible Exposure Level
DoD-HCE: Dept.of Defense - Hearing Center of Excellence
US Preventive Services Task Force
WHO: World Health Organization, World Report on Hearing
WHO-ITU H.870: WHO-International Telecommunications Union, Guidelines for safe listening devices/systems"